Feed ¾ to 2 kg per 100 kg body weight along with good quality hay. To promote good gut health provide a minimum of 1 kg for every 100 kg body weight of hay spread over multiple feedings throughout the day.
TIPS: For the mature working horse: feed as a sole ration at 1½ kg per 100 kg body weight per day will maintain a horse in good condition under light exercise. The working and growing horse will require more feed, up to 1 ¾ to 2 kg per 100 kg body weight per day.
* Feeding rates may vary depending on forage quality and horse’s activity level.
Contains added fat from vegetable oil. ‚Äã
Increases energy density to elevate calorie intake for the same amount of ration. Increases muscle glycogen content, over time (10 to 12 weeks).
No corn included. 
Reduces the risk of rapid acid production in large intestine that may cause colic, ulcers, founder and/or diarrhea when adjusting to a higher, total grain intake.
Contains shredded beet pulp. 
Increased energy and Crude Fibre bulk to support intense physical activity and digestive health.
Contains Yea-Sacc® 1026 and Pulse 500. 
Together, these products work as both a pre-biotic; feeding existing bacteria and a pro-biotic; adding more beneficial bugs to the gut. This works to stabilize the gut, reduces digestive upsets, and maximizes nutrient digestion and absorption.
Contains high levels of Vitamin E. 
A powerful antioxidant, enhance immune response, optimizes nerve and muscle function and improves tissue regeneration after strenuous exercise.
Contains 35 mg/kg organic Copper. 
Involved in RBC and hemoglobin formation, Iron mobilization and bone development. Important for many bodily functions.
Contains 100% organic trace minerals. 
For increased bio-availability of those nutrients essential for immune response, hoof health, bone and cartilage development.
Designed for feeding with hay. 
Advanced nutrition to balance hay feeding for genetically superior performance horses in training.