Contains reduced starch and higher fat and fibre content (commonly referred to as low glycemic)
Delivers sensible calories (energy) needed for performance.
Helps minimize excitability.
Proven to effectively lessen glycemic and insulin response.
Helps minimize gut upset (colic) by preventing starch overload in the hindgut.
Contains a high pectin fibre source (beet pulp)
A highly fermentable fibre source providing needed calories for performance.
Helps maintain a healthier hindgut pH and microbial population.
Contains Athlete™, Purina’s unique extruded high fat supplement with flaxseed (an excellent source of Omega‑3) with a 5:1 balanced Omega-6 to Omega‑3 ratio
Higher digestibility and calorie (energy) availability.
Improves hair coat and skin condition.
Supports immune function and anti-inflammatory properties.
Helps maintain proper cognitive ability.
Omega‑3 fatty acids shown to enhance insulin efficiency thus reducing insulin resistance.
Improves fertility and sperm quality.
Contains Horse Plus™, Purina’s exclusive blend of Vitamin C, and a full complement of all B vitamins including biotin
Essential blood‑building nutrients.
Supports immune function and overall health.
Essential for proper utilization of energy for exercise.
Improves fertility and sperm quality.
Helps protect against exercise induced stress.
Contains balanced amino acids with added Lysine & Methionine
To maintain proper muscle tone and joint function.
Contains organic copper, zinc, manganese and selenium
Increases absorption and enhances trace mineral bioavailability to improve immune response.
Supports immune function and overall health.
Contains Yeast Culture
Improves hindgut fermentation which increases energy, protein and phosphorus utilization.
Contains prebiotics and probiotics
Helps promote good gut bacteria and protect against harmful bacteria for improved gut health.
Contains an elevated level of selenium (0.4 mg/kg)
Important antioxidant.
Helps supports immune functions and overall health.
Helps protect against exercise induced stress.